At BusinessLDN, our mission is to make London the best city in the world in which to do business, working with and for the whole UK. We campaign to tackle today’s challenges and harness the power of our cross-sector membership to shape the future of the capital. We support business to succeed — locally, nationally, globally.
In partnership with the Mayor of London, the BLPA are uniquely positioned to honour the trailblazers driving innovation across both the public and private sectors.
Our report outlines why London is the ideal test bed for a new wave of new towns as the Government seeks to deliver 1.5 million homes over this Parliament.
In this study, we detail how evolving the financing mechanism which helped support an extension to the Northern Line could enable delivery of other major projects across London.
Our recently released LSIP progress report shares updates on our work to get more Londoners into better, higher-paying jobs by matching training provision to employer demand.